Our mission is to be the premier international provider of value-added information solutions and services by serving others through actions inspired by our integrity-based values and business principles.
Core Values and Principles
CRS's Core Values and Principles are at the center of every decision that we make. Our main purpose is to serve others and improve the quality of life with everyone we come in contact with. We will do this by incorporating and living by a number of core values.
Respect for ALL People
Our company is built on trust and unconditional respect for all people. The single most important factor that influences this respect is the attitude and performance of the CRS employees. We should value each person’s intrinsic worth and uniqueness. We are charged with the privilege and responsibility to create a culture and environment that supports and encourages each employee to achieve his or her highest potential. In order for employees to achieve their potential, we must accept the responsibility to show by our actions that we care about them as individuals, understand their needs, recognize their talents, and support them in their efforts to grow. We always select employees who share our values, are qualified, and highly motivated. We ensure our employees know where we are, where we are going and what values and principles will guide our journey. We acknowledge everyone’s contribution and honor his or her opinions. Our work environment is open, honest, supportive, and fulfilling.
Responsibility for Actions and Results
We keep promises. Each employee is empowered to make the organization succeed and is 100% accountable for his or her actions and fosters the environment that facilitates this accountability. We challenge the status quo and promote continuous improvement in our personnel, systems, processes, organizational structure, productivity, and customer satisfaction. We promote innovation in all we do. We take ownership of our mistakes, correct them in a timely manner, and learn from them. We produce cost-effective products and services targeted to our customer’s needs. We meet our commitments to our vendors, customers, and employees today and tomorrow. We communicate openly and truthfully in a timely manner with each of our vendors, customers, business partners and fellow employees. We work safely, comply with laws, and are a good neighbor.
Relationships with Each Other
We respectfully treat others the way we want to be treated. We believe that those who wish to become great must be willing to serve. We are helpful and compassionate. We are good listeners and encourage constructive feedback. We are committed to each other and have fun together. We are an organization known for our “servant spirit” in all our relationships. We also believe that we are accountable for and good stewards of all that has been entrusted to us – our time, talents, financial resources, and relationships. We act accordingly. As a company, we operate as an integrated firm through teamwork among individuals, departments, and offices. As the people of CRS, we pledge to live by these core values and principles genuinely and with excellence.